Asóciese a un Bróker multiregulado respaldado por más de 30 años de experiencia como grupo.
Descubra una experiencia de trading inigualable en la que puede operar con total confianza.
Las actividades de Hantec Markets Ltd. están sujetas a la supervisión de la Comisión de Servicios Financieros de Mauricio.
Hantec Markets es una filial del galardonado Grupo Hantec, un grupo empresarial internacional fundado en 1990. La marca Hantec está regulada a nivel internacional, incluyendo el Reino Unido, Australia, Japón, Hong Kong y Mauricio, con más de 30 años de experiencia como grupo.
La marca Hantec Markets nació oficialmente en 2009, con la apertura de nuestra primera oficina en Londres, Reino Unido.
El lanzamiento de la oficina de Londres marcó el comienzo de un período de rápido crecimiento, con la expansión de nuestra huella comercial a América Latina, África, el sur de Asia y el sudeste asiático, posicionándonos como uno de los brokers más confiables del mundo. En Hantec Markets, nuestro propósito es mejorar la vida de nuestros clientes creando y ofreciendo una experiencia de trading inigualable. Nuestros servicios, centrados en el cliente, se basan en herramientas eficaces, soporte inmediato y la máxima seguridad de los fondos.
Hantec Markets is a trading name of Hantec Group.
This website is owned and operated by Hantec Markets Holdings Limited. Hantec Markets Holdings Limited is the holding company of Hantec Markets Limited and Hantec Markets Ltd. Hantec Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK (Register no: FRN 502635). Hantec Markets Ltd. is authorised and regulated as an Investment Dealer by The Financial Services Commission of Mauritius (License no: C114013940). The services of Hantec Markets and information on this website are not aimed at residents of certain jurisdictions, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use may be contrary to any of the laws or regulations of that jurisdiction. The products and services described herein may not be available in all countries and jurisdictions. Those who access this site do so on their own initiative, and are therefore responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. The release does not constitute any invitation or recruitment of business.
Hantec Markets does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions including USA, Iran, Myanmar and North Korea.
Hantec Markets is a trading name of Hantec Group.
This website is owned and operated by Hantec Markets Holdings Limited. Hantec Markets Holdings Limited is the holding company of Hantec Markets Limited and Hantec Markets Ltd. Hantec Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK (Register no: FRN 502635). Hantec Markets Ltd. is authorised and regulated as an Investment Dealer by The Financial Services Commission of Mauritius (License no: C114013940). The services of Hantec Markets and information on this website are not aimed at residents of certain jurisdictions, and are not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use may be contrary to any of the laws or regulations of that jurisdiction. The products and services described herein may not be available in all countries and jurisdictions. Those who access this site do so on their own initiative, and are therefore responsible for compliance with applicable local laws and regulations. The release does not constitute any invitation or recruitment of business.
Hantec Markets does not offer its services to residents of certain jurisdictions including USA, Iran, Myanmar and North Korea.
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